Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"And So You Code" - Join the Clip Remake

This is an invitation to all "And So You Code" fans out there.

I am creating a new clip with the same song using real-life images of real programmers.

If you wish to take part in the new clip, just take a picture of yourself or friends depicting one of the images in the current clip (e.g. frustrated in front of the computer, juggling your mouse and keyboard, looking very boss-like, crying, passing out, etc) or another image that could fit the clip.

You can use a self portrait arm or just ask your friend to take a picture of you
Send the pictures to the following email: andsoyoucode@gmail.com

By sending your pictures you state that 1) The pictures are yours, 2) you and the people that appear in the picture agree to have the picture used in the remake of "And So You Code" (using the same music and lyrics and some of the original images)

Credit will be given to every picture owner (unless that person request to stay anonymous).

With your pictures we can create a very authentic programmers clip.

I cannot guarantee that every submitted picture will be included in the clip.

Here is the clip once again:


  1. It's good. But could be a whole lot better.

  2. very good!

  3. a sad truth of today's world...

  4. Great work! "Competiton is still slow...because they code" with the turtle pic is very funny. Keep up the good work! :)

  5. I loved the video, so funny :D
    I really like the music, what is it?

  6. Man i so totally get your point. I get my eyes bleeding doing low level socket programming in j2me .......F..ck this!

  7. How many days till the remake it's done :D. I can't wait anymore. You are killing me :D

  8. And so you code...
